April 26-30, 2025

The DECA International Career Development Conference (ICDC) is the highlight of the DECA year. Twenty thousand high school students, advisors, businesspersons and alumni gather for several days of DECA excitement. This year’s ICDC will be held April 26-29, 2025 in Orlando, FL.



Registration Information:

Important International Career Development Conference Facts & Deadlines:

Who: Affiliated Advisors & Student Members (must have earned slots for academies, campaigning or competitive events)

When: April 26-29, 2025 (must arrive by 5pm on Saturday, finished at 11pm on Tuesday)

Where: Orlando, FL

Membership Eligibility Deadline: February 15, 2025

Cost:    Registration        $150

Housing:  TBD 

Registration Deadline: February 29, 2025

Payment Deadine: March 21, 2025

Payment received after March 21, 2025 will receive a $25 penalty fee. All credit card payments will incur a 5% processing fee.

Competitions and Events: National Competitive Events, Leadership Academies-EMPOWER, ELEVATE, ASPIRE, IGNITE, and THRIVE

All Competitors in a Testing Event will be required to take 2 practice exams prior to attending ICDC. The testing window is February 3-February 28.

Where to Register:https://www.decaregistration.com/ga-icdc/main.asp