
September 3-4, 2024

WorkWinWow is a Local Officer Leadership Training Program. Chapters can choose to attend the 1 day event on either September 3 or 4.


Registration Information:

Who: DECA Advisors & Local Chapter Officers

When:September 3rd or 4th (chapters choose only 1 day) 9:30am-3:30pm

Where:  FFA-FCCLA Center in Covington, GA


Early Bird Registration (officers and advisors)    $40

Regular Registration (officers and advisors)       $50

Bus Drivers                                                     $15


Early Bird Registration Deadline                      August 9, 2024

Regular Registration Deadline                         August 16, 2024

Payment Deadline                                          August 30, 2024


To register:


Round Table Sign Up: Coming Soon!

Membership Recruitment Commerical Submission Form: Coming Soon!